Β Does your Instagram feed invite people or overwhelm them? Does it guide them? We’ll find out while we clear out the clutter!
Find out how to guide people using your IG feed so that they know what to do next.
Β Feel too spammy? Let’s dive into how to sell on social without feeling gross about it.
Make your bio POP so that people actually want to stop and get to know you (in fact- they can’t help it!).
Β We get it…we see Karen killing it over there in her business and so you feel like you HAVE to offer the same services. Spoiler alert: you don’t and you actually SHOULDN’T.
Let’s oust those buzzkill services that you loathe with my Love, Like, and Loathe Method.
Know exactly how to package your services and packages so that they stand out from the sea of others (psssst! what I’m going to tell you isn’t what you expect!).
Β Learn how to build your schedule that empowers you to have core CEO day’s that do NOT involve client work.
Find out how to stop feeling like you are floundering so that you put yourself in the power position.
Learn the #1 thing that I see that makes you keep one foot out the door in your business and how to get both feet firmly planted for success.
Β Find out your POWER content type and how to leverage that.
Unlock the secret to giving your POWER content more legs so that it isn’t just one and done.
Learn exactly how to take one piece of content and use it in a MULTITUDE of ways so that you can create LESS contact and make MORE impact.
XO Lindsay